Day School
Our day school dog training program is designed with affordability and convenience in mind. We believe in making dog training accessible to everyone and offer affordable rates without compromising on quality. Our trained staff provide a range of services designed to teach basic obedience, manners, and proper socialization. At Mill Pond Kennels, we take dog training seriously, ensuring that your fur baby is well looked after, all while learning new skills and socializing properly.

What we can Teach...
Heal your relationship with your furry friend by learning how to Heal on a Leash at Day School Dog Training. Our expert trainers focus on improving the communication between you and your dog, emphasizing positive reinforcement and personalized attention. Our training methodology allows dogs to follow your commands confidently, leading to a stronger bond with their owner.
At our Day School Dog Training, we understand how crucial it is to have a well-behaved and obedient pet in your home. That's why we focus on teaching your pets the importance of the 'down' command. Our trainers will work with your pets to teach them this foundational skill, which will help them better interact in your home and obey your commands.
With Leash Manors, our professional trainers are dedicated to helping you build a strong and lasting relationship with your dog. We offer a comprehensive training program that focuses on relationship and communication. Using proven techniques to improve your dog’s behavior. With our help, vet office visits will no longer be a source of embarrassment!
At our Day School Dog Training, we place great emphasis on teaching recall. This skill is essential for the safety of your dog, especially in situations where coming when called could prevent a potential accident. Our experienced trainers teach your dog how to come when called, ensuring your peace of mind and your dog's improved behavior.
Looking for a way to improve your dog's behavior and safety? The Place Command at Day School Dog Training can aid you in providing it. This foundational command teaches your dog boundaries, discipline, and helps promote good behavior. With the expert guidance of our experienced trainers, you'll be amazed at what your furry friend is capable of.
Is your dog having trouble respecting boundaries? Our Day School Dog Training program is here to help! Our professional team of trainers will work with your dog to teach them why it's important to not jump and how to understand when they're unwelcome in your space.
Board & Train vs Dayschool
Which program fits my needs best?
If you are looking for obedience while off of a leash, the Board and Train program is the ultimate solution. It's structured environment and non-stop teaching provide a way for habits to form, making it easier on you at home when your dog transitions back home! We know how busy this world gets. We promise, not one dog has ever forgotten his/her family.
If you are looking for obedience while on a leash, need a more affordable training option, and a way to start your dog on the path to being obedient, you want Day School Dog Training! With Dayschool we teach the basics with the idea in mind that you must be able to continue it at home for it to become an "off leash" habit forming structure in your own home. This puts more work on the owner, but greater reward and relationship building for you and your dog. If you are a busy person, this is a great way to give your dog a job vs "daycare", but remember to keep it up at home for best results.

Age Requirements
The Dayschool program is for young and old! Puppies MUST be done with all puppy shots keeping them clear of Parvo (life threatening virus for puppies). This is usually done at 4 months old. Being in a kennel environment it is of utmost importance. Dayschool is a great way to start obedience on your puppy and giving him/her exposure to structure while your away at work.
4 to 5 months old
6 week program
We ask for a commitment of dropping off at least 4 days out of a week, within 6 consecutive weeks to ensure good relationship building with the trainer, as well as good habit forming techniques. It's easy to teach "sit", but do they do it when you need it the most! From there you decide how little or more to bring him/her.
4 to 5 months old
8 week program
This is the same as the 6 week puppy program, but we add on ecollar conditioning and an additional 2 weeks of training (8 weeks of training). From there you decide how little or more to bring him/her. You are also going home with an ecollar included in the package at the end of training. Lesson outlines are provided with homework to teach how to properly use the ecollar.
ECOLLAR IS NOT A CORRECTION DEVICE, it is very important in teaching that we do not use high levels.
6 months and older
4 week program
We ask for a commitment of dropping off at least 4 days out of a week, within 4 consecutive weeks to ensure good relationship building with the trainer, as well as good habit forming techniques. Lesson outlines are provided with homework to continue good training at home! From there you decide how little or more to bring him/her.
6 months and older
6 week program
This is the same as the 4 week program, but we add on ecollar conditioning and an additional 2 weeks of training. You are also going home with an ecollar included in the package at the end of training. Lesson outlines are provided with homework to teach how to properly use the ecollar. ECOLLAR IS NOT A CORRECTION DEVICE, it is very important in teaching that we do not use high levels. From there you decide how little or more to bring him/her.

All Gym members must go through a training program. You can commit to dropping dogs off in our day school, or leave them in our care with our board and train program.
What this does is insure your dog understands commands and learns the activities. It's not fair to have a treadmill activity scheduled and your dog doesn't go on it when you paid for that. We teach these activities to be fun and exciting.
Set up Membership
After your Day-School Training your dog will be fully prepared for the activities we can off you for the gym. Your dog won't sit around scared, or you waist time and money. Remember we are here for you and the fitness of your dog. That includes mental health!
Set up membership and choose from a number of convenient packages to choose from that best fits your family's needs.
Schedule Activities
Once your dog's training and membership is completed you are in the club! Simply schedule activities and days on our online booking portal.
Convenient online scheduling, Easy Payment plans and memberships, updated information for your pet. All makes it easy for you to schedule and manage your dog's activity days. Even updated pictures can be added to your pet's profile. Schedule grooming services, boarding, or gym activities directly on your personal pet portal.