You may need our obedience training if your dog...
...jumps on everything and everyone? ...bolts out the door and runs off? ...doesn't stay down or lay down?...doesn't come when you call to you? This program is great for the person that wants full control of their dog while their dog is on or off of a leash.

All On Leash Obedience course commands are taught, then we take it further and teach it OFF LEASH!
The commands sit/stay and down/stay is taught as well as place! We teach you as well, about how to use the tools and not let the dog slip into bad habits again.
We teach you how to use the same tools we use here for training, in order for you to continue good habits at home!

Body Language
1st communication...
We are realists here. The reality of dog handling is that your tools aren't next to you always. Suddenly you need your dog to behave, what do you do?! We teach body language as your FIRST line of communication and your #1 tool in your belt of communication. Dogs 1st way to communicate is through body language, so why not "talk" to them in a way they understand?

Leash Work
Important in learning...
Everything we teach is first taught on a leash. It's a super clear and easy way for you to practice and gain confidence, your dog can learn your body language with it as well as your vocal commands. It stops confusion and offers a way for you both to learn each other together. Why wouldn't you use a tool that could get you further with less frustration and/or confusion?

Learning, Not Fear...
Lets own up to it... This is the device most people are nervous about! And rightly so! If used improperly you can cause harm.
With our program we teach you how to use this device properly as a communication tool, NOT just a correction tool. When properly taught to the dog and properly used, it's a super clear communication tool that can strengthen relationship and obedience.

Habit Forming
Why is our program long?
We are dog people and completely understand you don't want to be away from your dog for long. But our job is to help you! We can best do that with time, not a quick fix or a program that needs more training in the future. Learn why our program is 6 weeks long and why it's important to your success.

No other training is like our program!
Every decision that goes into this board and train obedience program makes it stand apart. From the way the dog reacts, to the way we build in routine and consistency from the start, to the innovative ways we problem solve your dogs specific troubled areas.
This course is for those wanting their dog to be the well mannered pet in and out of the home.

The more understanding humans have of their dogs, the more enjoyable life becomes for both.
Our goal is to make your training as successful as possible from the moment you pick up your dog! We simply do not believe in a two week program that forces your dog to do things, or does not give your dog enough time to learn. This simply leaves you calling back asking for more training, or makes your dog afraid (or worse in some cases aggressive)... We do not believe that is fair to you, the dog, your pocket book, or your time. You deserve better, and habits are not formed that way.
Our facility wants you as successful and self reliant as possible from the moment the dog goes home. Our habit forming teaching gives the dog understanding it needs while forming relationships here, much like his/her home and relationship with you. The training at Mill Pond Kennels allows for a smoother transition back to home, with rules and techniques that can help you create the habits that your own home needs.
We have been doing this for years, and we can honestly and respectfully say it takes a full week for most dogs to be comfortable in a new environment. Giving the dog just one more week for training after he/she has gotten comfortable isn't going to be as effective.
It is for this reason we offer a 4 week board and train program
Habit Forming
Relationship Building
Teaching not Forcing
Not always about correction
Understanding, no confusion
Learning skills, not just tricks
Helping YOU transition your habits
Support even after training
Not needing another board and train later
Helping you understand how to communicate

Advanced Training Area
Once your dog learns place and down/stay we can continue that habit in our advanced area. In this area they are out of the crate, supervised. Learning how to be calm, potty training, and down/stay in our large training room.

People are rightly concerned about leaving dogs in crates for long periods of time. The way we train depends on us forming habits, and we simply cannot do that with your dog sitting in a crate. While they are SUPER useful, and a very good tool, we are always training in all aspects of the dog's stay here.

We are proud users of...
Habit forming tool that helps the dog learn to keep calm under supervision
Proven to reduce stress by creating a den environment
Safe and secure for all dogs, no jumping and barking habits.
Potty Training at it's best! Schedule and crates help the dog understand when it's time to "go".
Read more about crates from others here.

Habit Forming
As you may have read we are huge about habit forming! If we can teach a dog how to remain calm while exciting things are going on around it, we get better overall training! Crates are a FIRST step to that. The dog must learn to keep calm while other dogs are training and people are coming in and out. Also helps with potty training!

Den Enviroment
Clean and safe, crates act like a den to keep dogs calm in a new place with people and other dogs they do not know. That is simply something they are not used to! It's simply not fair to think the dog feels safe automatically. Creating a den provides security for the dog, keeping it calm and healthy while during the stay here.

Crate Training when you Need it.
Hurricanes, Floods, Hospital Visits, etc... These are all a big part of our lives. Your dog will be prepared in case an emergency happens and you must crate your dog or get to a shelter. We know crates aren't for everyone, but your dog will be prepared for emergencies when they come!

Secure Place for Safety
No Jumping up and hurting themselves. We often think larger space is kind, but dogs stress out, bark, and jump in them. We've seen it many many times. They hurt legs, paws, teeth, nose, get cuts, and loose weight. The health of your dog is too important to us to let this happen.
Not Fear
It is NOT a shock collar... It is in fact electric though.
Used as a communication tool, NOT a punishment tool.
Very effective in communicating your already taught commands.
Dogs in fact learn to love the collar when used properly.

Ecollar Communication is an invaluable tool for any dog training program. It provides an effective and clear way of communicating with your dog even when they are off the leash. Ecollars provide a tactile pressure cue that is easy for your dog to understand, allowing for better communication and better safety for your pet. With Ecollar Communication, you can easily address any issues you are having with your dog. Can you think of a problem your going through where this would help?
For most folks, the only point of reference they have for a “shock” is something that’s jarring and painful—messing with wiring and getting an accidental jolt, touching an electric fence used for livestock, etc.—and they assume this is what an e-collar is like. However, this is not the reality of e-collars! High quality e-collars utilize the same technology that’s used in a TENS unit; it’s a muscle stimulator. At low levels, this is a weird tapping sensation that feels kind of like a tap-tap-tap on the shoulder.
E-collars MUST be combined with thorough, quality dog training in order for that communication to make sense to your dog.
Tactile Pressure
Not a jolt or shock, but a tap on the shoulder to get your attention when you need it the most.
Tactile methods of communication are more natural for your dog and can get through to your dog in moments when they’re liable to ignore your verbal command. If you’ve ever called your dog and he’s completely blown you off, you can appreciate the ability to get his attention with the e-collar!
Even fully trained dogs can make mistakes, get distracted and caught up in the moment, or make bad choices
Think of if like your dog being in a room full of people yelling and talking. That's the dog's brain when it sees a distraction, everything else is turned off. The "noise" in the room will drown out your commands. When your building a habit with your dog... you want consistency. This device gives a tap on the shoulder to let your dog know your giving a command.
A trained dog in the hands of someone who is comfortable handling them is no good.
Practice makes perfect. Dogs are not going to come home and become the robot that follows your every command when you want to. They living creatures that will test boundaries and need to learn your voice and body language. In order to make any training worth your time and money you MUST practice.
Not Fear

You wanna do what's best for your family, so do we.
Let us show you the training that gets you the best training for your dog with the least amount of time and money.

What should I expect from the training?
Are you curious about what makes our training different? We want you to have quality training that lasts.

Clear communication and expectations are a must.
Learn about our forms, handlers course, and FB updates that make it easy to keep in touch with us and get the most for your dog!